Blue Snowflake
Welcome to the little blog from Caro and Chris. We are two friends from Germany and have much fun by creating stuff for Sims homes. We hope you'll find some things you like.....if you're looking for Christins houses you'll find them at DOMICILE*2


Verankas Back to retro cabinets

in the begining I only want to change the wooden
 color but than I try some Ikea like colors
 and at the end I started to test how it 
looks with some colorful retro textures
 on the door and at the end I couldn't do one 
of them in the trash because I like them all.
 The pics are numbered so you can decide 
by yourself which one you like or not,
 the plain aren't shown but pics are in the folder

the mesh is included (I hope it's okay)
you find the whole set here
all credits to Pyszny and Veranka

back to the retro

I couldn't resist to made
 some recolors 
thanks goes to 
Pszyny and mari for
 meshing and converting
grab the meshes here

white & black

Chris fall in love with some walls
 from Casalinda here especically 
with the big white border
 and Casalinda was so generously
 to allow us to use them....
this was the begining of a big
 wall creating Sunday


sleep well

I've start with some recols of this bed years before 
and than idea why. 
Now I've picked it again and mixed it with 
some bed blankets from Jonesie.
 I create some quilted and some unquilted 
and than like allways Christin said 
"Oh Sweetie I like more the quilted and there
 are no quilted around here" and so
 I started again to made all the unquilted 
with a quilted underlay and now....
its such a big folder that I've splitet 
them in 3 parts + one with all the blankets
 which aren't in the bedparts. 

The meshes are included in each part
3 parts in seperate DL and 
1 for the for the remaining blankets
all credits goes to the creators

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

IWLL foto frames 15&16

yeah!!! more 
I'm sure you missed them
this time more girly like with 
romantic and SHOES

don't forgett the meshes here
these requires IKEA EP
